The 30th of September marked the end of the European Project ECVET-LAB, after two years of duration. ECVET-LAB Project (Erasmus+) aims to contribute to the implementation and validation of non-formal training on environmental best practices for environmental testing laboratory technicians. By applying methodologies and practices that conserve natural resources, it […]

On the 20th of September, in the premises of Leopold Hotel in Brussels, the European Conference on Environmental Management in Laboratories took place. This Final Conference was hosted by EUROLAB, the European Federation of National Associations of Measurement, Testing and Analytical Laboratories, one of the partners of the Erasmus+ ECVET-Lab […]
ECVET Lab Final Conference

The fifth meeting of the ECVET-Lab project gathered for one last time representatives from all 7 organisations of the consortium in Brussels (Belgium) on the 19th of September 2018. The event was organised by EUROLAB – European Federation of national associations of measurement, testing and analytical laboratories with several objectives. […]
5th ECVET Lab Meeting in Brussels
On the 26th of April 2018 the 3rd transnational meeting took place in Vienna. The partners review the Qualification standard as well as the structure of the online platform. The partnership decided that the platform should include a pre-assessment for the entire course. This will allow us to see how the student […]
4thTransnational meeting in Vienna

The 3rd meeting was held in Radom, Poland on the 27th and 28th of November 2017. The partners had the chance to review the Qualification Profile and discuss the format of the training materials for the LMS platform. The partnership recommended that the content on the LMS platform is interactive where […]
ECVET-Lab 3rd Meeting in Radom

The second meeting of the ECVET-Lab project gathered once again representatives from all 7 organisations of the consortium in Nicosia (Cyprus) on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of June 2017. The event was organised by NIREAS – University of Cyprus with a twofold objective: first, the selection of 40 best […]
ECVET-Lab Second Meeting
A focus group aiming at a close examination of sustainable best practices applied in environmental testing laboratories was held on the 19th of May at the University of Cyprus premises, by Nireas-Internatiaonal Water Research Center (Nireas-IWRC). The focus group was held in the framework of the European Erasmus+ project, ECVET-Lab. […]
University of Cyprus organises a focus group in Cyprus

The kick-off meeting of the ECVET-Lab project gathered representatives from all 7 organisations of the consortium in Valencia (Region of Valencia, Spain) on 15th and 16th of November 2016. The event was co-organised by NOVOTEC and Fundación Equipo Humano to build a common understanding on the project objectives, activities and […]